Worth A Read Yes
Length 352
Quick Review A novel diving into the dichotomy between people’s lives on social media and their realties. Tapping into pop culture, the book explores identity in the modern era.

I meant to post this last week on the fifth, which was supposed to be Sam Tschida and Siri, Who Am I?’s publishing day, but that would have meant I would have had to write this. I read it weeks ago, but life has kept me away from my computer because puppies. The pandemic pushed the publishing date… so expect this one to hit shelves in January! If you pre-order now, you’re supporting publishers and authors during this hard time, and you’ll probably forget you ordered it, so it will be a surprise to yourself in eight months!
Mia wakes up in a hospital with a bad case of amnesia. With absolutely no idea who she is, what she does, where she lives, or who she trusts, she leaves the hospital in a fancy expensive dress, her phone, and a pretty red lipstick. Through social media, she finds “her” house, which happens to be house-sat by a nerdy scientist. He becomes her right-hand man, helping her piece together her life story.
Siri, Who Am I? is a crash course in pop culture. It’s quite something. I didn’t understand the vast majority or the references because I live under a rock. Hashtags pop up with alarming regularity; I would hate it, but it works in this novel because of the content and story being told. It bolsters the image of the shallow life that is being played out for an Instagram feed. Tschida relies on technology to help the story move; to the point it is more than a presence, it’s a character in it’s own right. Technology takes up the same amount of space in the novel as it does in most of our daily lives.
The footnotes made the novel for me. It establishes passing thoughts, judgements, side comments, questions and more. The footnotes are the inner monologue of the novel. It was a great addition, and I loved them.
It is a twenty-something creation story set in the modern era of Instagram “Thank God for Instagram. I’d already written a story for myself, and damn if it wasn’t pretty.” On the surface, it’s a fun novel and love story arriving just in time for summer. It’s actually far more interesting. Tschida explores the influence of social media on identity. Does personality affect what is put on social media or is social media influencing and changing identity?
As the pandemic continues to rage on, I suggest picking this one up and reading it. Siri, Who Am I? can’t help being fun, but it’s also a probing look into my generations’ obsession with social media.
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Title: Siri, Who Am I?
Author: Sam Tschida
Publisher: Quirk Books
Copyright: 2020
ISBN: 9781683691686