Merry Christmas!!! And Happy Blog + Dog!!!

Last year, our family picture included a lot of buffalo plaid.
This year, we went with a car theme.
Random? Nope! Fun fact, we’re a car family. Not just a car family taking trips to car shows here and there. We are a crazy car family. Maybe not the craziest car family, but we’re up there, for sure.
I realized very quickly after meeting Dylan, cars are a big deal for him. After only four months of dating, we moved from Chicago to Houston… TOGETHER!!! (Hindsight, that could have been a horrible, terrible, no good idea. Over three years later, it’s turned out alright.) We moved to Houston because Dylan started going to school at SAMTech: School of Automotive Machinists and Technology. aka: Making Fast Cars Go Fast School For Car Nerds.
I grew up with a dad for a mechanic. We would go to car shows, and he would teach me about engines, history, and car fun facts. I’ve managed to retain a good bit of information. I wouldn’t be able to build you an engine, but I’m not half bad at troubleshooting or changing a tire. I’ll pay people to change my oil because it’s easier and I can.
Anyways. Dylan is a crazy car guy. He loves them. Two years ago, he brought a small block home to build. (It’s been sitting in the closet until I pulled it out for this picture.) For some reason, we have a racing slick [tire] on our patio. (It’s been there for just as long, but got drug into the house for me to sit on.) There are always car parts appearing and disappearing from my kitchen table. We bought a race car this year. He’s building the engine block and all the other fun stuff under the hood. He loves cars, and I support his dreams to build, design, and race them.
Cars are a huge part of our life. It’s his passion and his career; it only made sense to bring the race car theme of our lives into our Christmas card. We have red truck wrapping paper, a Santa bag with a red truck (and a dog) on it, a red truck cookie jar, red truck coffee mug (I used a Christmas puppy mug because dogs are my passion), an engine block, a racing slick, car ornaments, a red truck puppy sweater, and matching Santa in red truck pajamas. I think we nailed the theme. Now we just need a red truck. Hey, Dylan! Want to paint yours???
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