I’m living with a florist — Amanda Bee’s Floral Design, shameless plug for my bff — right now. I thought I’d do a dedicated flower post because why not? Also, I’m lacking inspiration, and her backyard is full of flowers, which makes taking pictures much, much easier.
- I love gardens filled with flowers, but I have no desire to work in a garden or do anything to tend to them. Someday, I hope to have enough money to pay someone to come do it all for me. Or marry a younger Monty Don.
- Narcissus = Daffodils I was two-days-ago years old when I made that connection.
- The puppies have done some serious damage to Amanda’s flower beds. Will be purchasing dirt and flowers to replace in the near future.
- Best way to keep your flowers fresh: put new water in the vase daily and wash off the stems.
- I’m allergic to everything under the sun, but flower pollen doesn’t bother me that much.
- Cut roses back in the spring to encourage growth… unless they’re rambling roses, then do it in the fall.
- I have a real love for watching any and all Monty Don shows.
- Magnolias are one of the oldest flowering trees in the world. Fossilized versions have been found dating back to 20 million years ago, but the family has been around for at least 95 million years. They were around before bees, so they relied on beetles to pollinate them. Woah.
- A mud head will be built in my backyard someday.
- Phytotelmata holds water for insects to use as a reservoir. A heliconia is an example.
- I went to the largest garden and flower show in the world in 2012: The Chelsea Flower Show. It was amazing. I really want to go back.
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