If you know me, you know I avoid exercise like the plague. I consider hiking pseudo exercise because I don’t avoid it quite like the plague.
- I don’t live and have never lived anywhere hiking can be done on a regular basis, so I only hike on vacation. This allows me to maintain the allusion hiking is super duper fun.
- You can entice me into a hike for a good picture.
- Hiking doesn’t suck when I’m with people I genuinely like. Exercise is unpleasant, so when I hike with people I don’t truly enjoy being with, I want to punch people.
- If there’s a waterfall, I will really hike for that.
- I’m a big fan of getting where I’m going. This factor is multiplied when I’m hiking. I will stop when I need to. Otherwise, I am a one direction, uphill, mountain climbing machine.
- Humidity doesn’t bother me, even when I’m hiking.
- There is a very good chance my hike will double in length before I’m done. This usually happens because I accidentally took a wrong turn or decided I’m superwoman and wanted to go farther before remember I’m not.
- I always feel like I’ve lost sixteen pounds after hiking.
- When hiking with my bestie or boyfriend, I like to be ridiculous by making them wear matching shirts or in a more recent instance cat ears.
- My favorite places to go hiking are Steamboat Springs Colorado and my new favorite place Lake Tahoe. They’re super beautiful, full of mountains, and great for picture taking opportunities.
- The best compliment I’ve ever received was when I went hiking in Colorado with my boyfriend. I made him hike like there’s no tomorrow. He’s a retired Marine. He said hiking with me is “worse than the Crucible.” Best. Compliment. Ever.
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