Oh, wow. 2023. What a year.
I am aware we’re well into the second month of 2024, but I’m still processing 2023. I need some time. I wanted it to be the year that everything changed. I had a very specific vision for what that change would be. I was right but wrong. 2023 was one of the most eventful and biggest years of my life, but in none of the ways I planned. I’m 93% really, super excited about everything and 7% ‘what the fuck?’ about it.

- I made some of the most incredible friends. For whatever reason, 2023 was the year of friends. I had intended on expanding my friend horizons, figuring I would pick up the kind of friends you call to hang out with on a weekend night or something. Instead, I filled my life with the friends I co-work, travel, grocery shop, cry, vent, deep dive, cook, dance, sing, bar hop, vegetate with and more. They’re the most amazing group of women.
- Reading took up less space in my life. I basically majored in reading real good in three languages in college; I’m currently sitting in my office surrounded by a whole lot of books; most people think of me and books synonymously; so the fact I only read 18 books last year is shocking. I stepped back from the stories of others and kept myself busy as I lived, worked, socialized more. Though this is a good thing, I have a pile of books to read and review. I’m slowly making some headway.
- Once upon a time in 2018, I made a best friend. This best friend is a floral designer. This best friend is charismatic, vivacious, and persuasive. This best friend played the long game and conned me into becoming a floral designer myself between 2020 and now. In 2023, I started taking on my responsibilities in her business, and now, flowering has become a significant portion of my life. To the point, I’m freelancing for other Houston florists. Couldn’t have seen that coming.
- My birthday was the most fun I’ve ever had clothed. Amanda planned an out of this world party for me the weekend before my birthday, and on the day of, my best friends made it the most exceptional day of my entire life up until that point. I didn’t think that day (for that matter that month) would ever be topped. The year was exceptional in more ways than one, and it still counts as the second best day ever.
- In 2021, one of my closest friends told me to start saving, we would be going to the FIFA Women’s World Cup in Australia in 2023. I, never one to turn down a trip, said “fuck yes.” At the time, I had no interest in soccer. Now, I love it very much. So much… I saw the Women’s Final in Sydney last August. It was an incredible thing to experience, and I can’t wait for 2027. The world finds out where we’re going in May.
- Somehow, I made it to two new continents in the span of a few days. In the middle of my Australia trip, I took a ten day detour to Asia. As an addendum to this, I thought I would only visit Australia once, but I have technically been to Australia three times in 2023—although, I really only count the first two times as one time because it was a part of the same trip.
- Cambodia was the number one thing on my travel bucket list for over 21 years. I never actively planned or planned on planning a trip to Cambodia, but it was a spur of the moment decision to add it into my Australia trip. I’m so glad I did because it ended up being my last single girl trip, and I couldn’t have picked a better destination to really enjoy being a happy, single, free 30 something.
- Getting tattooed on three continents in one week was never something I thought of or dreamed I would be able to say, and yet… I can. Tattoos are an important part of my self and image at this point in time. I like them and use them to document who I am in an external way. Last minute, I decided to get a tattoo within 12 hours of leaving Cambodia. I had appointments for later in the week in Australia and US. It was unintentional, and I love this fun fact about myself.
- Decided to change all of my plans, and I’m really happy about it. I had a very definitive path forward. Then I went on a trip that changed everything. I decided to change all of my plans to follow my heart. I’m young. I have as few responsibilities as I’m ever going to have. So, fuck it. I’m doing the damn thing.
- Kangaroos are more rampant than bunnies and squirrels and deer combined in Australia. This was a massive surprise. I don’t know what I was expecting, but I was not expecting what the reality of living in Australia with kangaroos actually is. I did not really have any expectations for kangaroos, but driving through Australia, I’m realizing I know nothing and I have all the questions.
- Kate proposed. Not only did I get myself a British/Australian girlfriend on the other side of the world. I got myself a British/Australian fiancée on the other side of the world. I still can’t hardly believe I’m typing this with a ring on my hand and a wedding date in my calendar.
2023! What a year of surprises. Life is hard. I’ve been through a whole entire lot in the last 32.5 years, but 2023 was the most exceptional year of my life, and I have a feeling things are only going to keep getting more exciting and fun.