Experiences, Travel

Postponing My Scotland Trip Due to COVID-19

All the things reminding me of not being in Scotland. | Clanlands | Frommer’s | Lonely Planet

I have had to cancel a lot of really amazing trips this year and so many others went without being planned at all. I’ve been doing my best to stay home, stay safe, mask up, and flatten the curve. It’s not been fun, but it is the right thing to do. I’m also immunocompromised, so it’s the best thing for my personal health. 

All that said, having to stay home and not travel has been the worst part of this year for me personally. The hardest trip to postpone was my trip to Scotland. I was going to go in the spring, but then it was pushed to November, and now it’s been pushed until further notice. I’m a bit heartbroken to be honest. I had it all planned, and my soul has been aching to explore Edinburgh and the countryside. I was supposed to be exploring the Highlands right now. Alas, I’m sitting at home in front of a roaring fire surrounded by my six dogs.

My present is not a bad one. I’m complaining but not. I love getting to be with my fuzzy family and enjoying the holidays, but I was so very excited to experience a taste of Scottish holidays. 

I bought a couple tour books for Scotland a year ago to prepare because I’m that kind of traveler. I read them both within a week of buying them. I had my whole itinerary planned down to the Airbnbs I would be staying at. I’m not going to tell you all the details because a) I don’t want to bore you with the could have beens but have not happeneds and b) It’s still happening so c) I won’t ruin all the fun for those who want to follow along someday.

When I realized my trip was not going to happen yet again, I decided to buy a sweatshirt from my favorite band, which happens to be very Scottish. Tide Lines is amazing. If you’ve never heard their music, pay more attention to my Instagram stories and go check them out. I love them so much. I also bought Sam Heughan and Graham McTavish’s book Clanlands because I can and I’m adding salt to my wound. I also grabbed a copy of the first edition of the Hidden Scotland magazine.

I’m really hoping 2021 sees a vaccine and an opening of borders. My heart is yearning to walk the streets of UNESCO’s City of Literature, Edinburgh, and find a beautiful coo on the side of the road. 

Anyways, I’m done complaining about my sad first world problems. I’m going to go back to reading and not writing reviews about the many, many, too many books I have read and piled in front of my computer as incentive to write reviews. 

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