Books, Fiction

The Life & Adventures of Santa Claus

Worth A Read Yes
Length 176
Quick Review Santa began his life as an orphan, but through chance, hard work, and a caring nature, he became the most beloved man in the world.
Reading The Life & Adventures of Santa Claus by L. Frank Baum at a Christmas tree farm. | Shirt | Jeans | Scarf | Hat |
The Life & Adventures of Santa Claus by L. Frank Baum
Reading The Life & Adventures of Santa Claus by L. Frank Baum at a Christmas tree farm. | Shirt | Jeans | Scarf | Hat |

I love Santa stories. I always have, and I don’t see that changing any time soon. The magic of Santa has always been such an enchanting part of the Christmas season, which is why I finally picked up The Life & Adventures of Santa Claus by L. Frank Baum. It gave me all the Christmas vibes I crave this time of year!

Niklaus was a foundling, but adopted into the forest of Burzee by the nymph, Necille, and under the protection of the Master Woodsman, the great Ak, and queen of the fairies, Queen Zurline. Niklaus was the only mortal in a land of immortals, but he had a kind heart. When he reached adulthood he was sent into the world to be among his own people. He gravitated towards children and wanted to make their lives easier and happier before entering adulthood. He began delivering toys. With the help of his immortal friends, he became the revered Santa Claus we know and love today. Frank Baum has a beautiful story in a small book. He fills The Life & Adventures of Santa Claus with fantasy, childish wonder, and reverence for nature. There are so many learning lessons in this book for children and adults. The book teaches people to respect nature and use it thoughtfully and responsibly. Baum was pushing a green lifestyle before it was a thing. There is also a push for collaboration and helping people by using your talents. Everyone is good at something; we’re not all good at the same thing, so when one person is good at one thing and another is good at something else, things get done faster and better when people collaborate and utilize their talents. Through the narrative, Baum shows the bad parts of history and people are equally as important as the good, “They were part of this history, and could not be avoided.” Stories aren’t true without being told in their entirety.

The Life & Adventures of Santa Claus is an incredibly well crafted story. It’s one of my favorite Christmas books now. Perfect for children and adults. I couldn’t put it down. 

Memorable Quotes
“”While they are babes – yes,” agreed Ak. “Their joy is in being alive, and they do not stop to think.””
“He [Santa] knew that the best of children were sometimes naughty, and that the naughty ones were often good.”
“He went forth bravely to meet his doom – the doom of the race of man – the necessity to worry and work.”
“It is possible for any man, by good deeds, to enshrine himself as a Saint in the hearts of the people.” 

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Title: The Life & Adventures of Santa Claus
Author: L. Frank Baum
Publisher: Penguin Books
Copyright: 2015
ISBN: 9780143128533

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