Length 272
Quick Review Set in Nantucket at Christmas time; a young shop owner struggles between love, community, and career.

Thayer writes a sweet story about finding love and fighting for what you believe in. She does make me want to visit Nantucket someday because it sounds lovely. Overall, it’s a nice story for Christmas, but it’s not a fabulous book. I don’t find the child, Wink, in the story very realistic. I have spent a lot of time around a lot of different children, and I don’t think Wink would act the way she does in the beginning of the book; she does get more believable later in the story. I also don’t love the fact Let It Snow makes an unmarried woman is old. As a woman very near thirty, this is bullshit. The romanticism is a bit much even for a love story.
Thayer has a very straightforward writing style, which makes the narrative quick and easy to read. There are a few grammatical errors. Pronouns should be used more often because Christina is used far too much, and it is incredibly repetitive.
Let It Snow would be a great book to curl up and read over Christmas break. It is very Christmassy and cute. An easy read for all ages.
Memorable Quotes
“Sometimes you’re so depressed you’ll do anything to make yourself feel worse.”
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Title: Let It Snow
Author: Nancy Thayer
Publisher: Ballantine Books
Copyright: 2019
ISBN: 97814524798680