Books, NonFiction

The Little Book of Lost Words by Joe Gillard

Worth A Read Absolutely
Length 192
Quick Review A compilation of words from ye olden days that should be brought back forthwith. 
Reading The Little Book of Lost Words by Joe Gillard in New Orleans, Louisiana | Sweater | Jumper | Boots | Tights | Socks | Watch
The Little Book of Lost Words by Joe Gillard in the French Quarter of New Orleans, Louisiana
Reading The Little Book of Lost Words by Joe Gillard in New Orleans, Louisiana | Sweater | Jumper | Boots | Tights | Socks | Watch

I love words. I should; I’m a writer and a linguist. My job is literally words, words, and words. This book lives up to its name The Little Book of Lost Words. At less than 200 pages, there are 88 old yet oddly modern words. Joe Gillard chose 88 words from across time and languages – but mostly English – to include in this amalgam of linguistic precision. 

Words are fascinating. So many included sound familiar or similar to modern terms because of the way language evolves over time to suit the needs of people. These words are oddly specific, but many could have a place in modern usage: fabulosity or doundrins, for example. 

The Little Book of Lost Words is a short and sweet book to read, but would make the perfect coffee table book. With one word per two pages, it is easy to peruse. The word is given with its origination and date of usage. A phonetic pronunciation is included, followed by the word used in a sentence. The sentences are usually comical and always modern. Gillard probably has an obsession with cats, or grimalkins, because he brings them up repeatedly and uses them in example sentences. Each word is illustrated by classical artwork, which drives home the humor of language and historicals need for certain words. 

I read so much old literature. I even found I found a few words I really do use in real life… If you have a love of old literature or a familiarity, almost all of these words will not come as a surprise because they were actually used. 

Memorable Quotes
“There are very few treasures that we can dig out of the ground, dust off, and put into use as if they were brand new. Words, of course, are an exception.”
“It’s hard to define exactly why we love these dusty, musty archaic words.”
“Practicality may chip away at our language, but the magic of the lost words in this book ought not to be forgotten.”

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Title: The Little Book of Lost Words
Author: Joe Gillard
Publisher: Ten Speed Press
Copyright: 2019
ISBN: 9780399582677

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