Books, NonFiction

Zero Sugar Cookbook by David Zinczenko

Worth a Read Meh
Length 272
Quick Review Sugar is really yummy, but cutting it out of your diet doesn’t have to mean you feel like you’re eating cardboard. 


Zero Sugar Cookbook by David Zinczenko | Cast Iron Skillet | Paw Print Mug

When I was 25, I went through a few health ordeals, which made me completely change how I eat. Since then, I have had a very healthy diet. I’m always on the lookout for new recipes to change things up. Zero Sugar Cookbook by David Zinczenko is informative and inspirational. 

I love cookbooks. I don’t actually follow recipes because I know what I like and what I don’t like. I love looking through cookbooks for inspiration. I take the recipes and add and adjust where I see fit. 

Zinczenko gives a bunch of information about sugar and the health effects it has on the body and the mind in the beginning of the Zero Sugar Cookbook. Sugar is addictive. It is also added into so many foods. The book teaches how to read nutrition labels and ingredient lists. Food can be confusing, but it shouldn’t be. There are different kinds of sugars in food. Some sugars are added; some sugars are natural. There are good sugars and bad sugars. The book claims a person can lose up to a pound a day on the diet. I don’t know about that, but there are tons of great tips and information. 

I love looking through recipes. There are some really good ones in Zero Sugar Cookbook ranging from appetizers to entrees to snacks to dessert. I’m kind of a child, so I love looking at the pictures in cookbooks. These pictures don’t disappoint. Being sugar free doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy food. I took a recipe on page 44 and tweaked it, but it still sticks to the sugar free diet. It was delicious.    

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Title: Zero Sugar Cookbook
Author: David Zinczenko
Publisher: Ballantine Books
Copyright: 2019
ISBN: 9781984817334


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