Books, NonFiction

First by Evan Thomas

Worth A Read Yes
Length 496
Quick Review A biography of the Supreme Court’s first female justice of the peace.
Reading First by Evan Thomas in Galveston. | Black Dress 

I loved this book. First by Evan Thomas is a beautiful look into the life and work of Sandra Day O’Connor. It is an in depth and interesting look at the life of a fascinating and brilliant woman. Thomas pays homage to a life built on principle, truth, honor, and family.

I didn’t know much about Sandra Day O’Connor when I started the book, except for the fact she exists and the Supreme Court bit. Surprisingly, a lot of my peers don’t know anything about her either. Even my feminist friends didn’t realize she was the first woman on the Supreme Court. Ugh, the education system fails again. I couldn’t wait to dive into this book, and it did not disappoint. Thomas writes an account as brilliant and intimate as the woman deserves.

Sandra Day O’Connor was born and raised on a ranch in the middle of nowhere. She went to Stanford for her B.A. in Economics as well as for law school. She married her husband John O’Connor. As an educated woman in the 1950’s, she had difficulty finding work as a lawyer even though she was more than qualified. She became the mother of three boys and was an active part of their Arizona community. In the 1960’s, she was an assistant Attorney General in Arizona before becoming a Senator in Arizona’s state legislature. In 1974, she became a judge. In 1981, Reagan appointed Sandra Day O’Connor to the Supreme Court, where she worked tirelessly for justice. She was the First woman to be on the Supreme Court.

First by Evan Thomas | Black Dress | Straw Hat

There is so much in a life, but in an extraordinary life, there is even more. First could have been a much longer book and still been interesting. Thomas writes about the life and the woman. She was funny, personable, and hardworking. Sandra Day O’Connor cared. She cared about her family, the people around her, and the country. She worked for the good of the community and the world. She kept her personal feelings aside from her job in order to make the right decision. People who met her were always charmed.

I, generally, don’t love female biographies written by men. They don’t have the life experience of women and can’t write an accurate depiction of what women go through. Thomas is not afraid to point out the inequality and male blind spots O’Connor faced in her daily life as a strong and smart woman.

One thing I deeply admire about Sandra Day O’Connor was her dedication to her family and her career. In a time when women didn’t have careers, she rose to one of the highest positions in the country. Her husband supported her and was a partner, but she did the same for him.

I highly suggest First by Evan Thomas. It is a beautiful biography and homage to a revolutionary woman.  

Memorable Quotes
“She learned not to take the bait.”
“Revolution always breeds counterrevolution.”
“when Sandra Day O’Connor joined the Court in 1981, the justices were still working out whether gays and women enjoyed the same Fourteenth Amendment protection as African Americans did.”

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Title: First; Sandra Day O’Connor
Author: Evan Thomas
Publisher: Random House
Copyright: 2019
ISBN: 9780399589287

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