Length 272
Quick Review Dobelli compiles 52 guidelines for living a good life and avoiding the unnecessary in The Art of the Good Life.

Living a good life is kind of everyone’s goal. I hope, anyways. The meaning of life may always be elusive, but living a good life shouldn’t be. Rolf Dobelli is a businessman and well known author. He started out as a novelist but gained international acclaim for his book The Art of Thinking Clearly. His latest The Art of the Good Life compiles 52 guidelines for finding happiness no matter what your life looks like.
As I get older, it seems like my peers are looking to self help books more than in my younger years. I don’t necessary love them. I think they’re a little pretentious and boring. Dobelli seems to have his life pretty well figured out. I wouldn’t necessarily say his advice is ground breaking. In my 28 years on this Earth, I’ve already figured out most of these and have been living from that place for a good while. There’s advice, I wouldn’t follow, but that’s just me!
What I do appreciate about The Art of the Good Life is the prose. It’s well written and interesting. Dobelli pulls from his own life and the lives of others. The guidelines are very much grounded in real life. He has a huge sense of humor, which makes for an entertaining read. There is a lack of oxford comma usage, which I am not a fan of. I won’t hold it against him personally, but his life would be better if he used it. I very much appreciate his appropriate swearing. There’s a harsh honesty to the book. It has a bit of: humans are inherently dumb because we follow our emotions and that’s not smart. Dobelli isn’t condescending, but he doesn’t mince his words about how much time we waste on stupid shit. He is an amateur pilot and uses a lot of plane related examples, which I’m here for. I love flying.
I may not love self help books, but I did enjoy reading this one. I would say overall the guidelines he lays down in The Art of the Good Life are good rules to live by.
- Have hard, unbreakable boundaries.
- Feelings will lead you down the wrong path, so don’t follow them.
- Money is not the key
Although, I wholeheartedly disagree about his sentiments on reading… kind of. One hundred books over ten years… goodness “Once you hit thirty, life’s too short for bad books.” I don’t think I could stick to one hundred books over ten years…. Ugh.
The Art of the Good Life is an interesting read. I enjoyed it, and there are some fun factoids throughout the pages.
Memorable Quotes
Radical acceptance “With each explicable pick-up, your life will get better.”
“A dog is authentic. You’re a human being.”
“A book is something qualitatively different from crème brûlée, a scenic flight over the Alps or sex.”
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Title: The Art of the Good Life; 52 Surprising Shortcuts to Happiness, Wealth, and Success
Author: Rolf Dobelli
Publisher: Hachette Books
Copyright: 2018
ISBN: 9780316445061