Length 541
Quick Review Like the first two books in Kevin Kwan’s trilogy, Rich People Problems falls short in storytelling but exceeds in opulence and drama.
If you haven’t read my reviews of Crazy Rich Asians or China Rich Girlfriend, you can read them by clicking the titles… Not glowing reviews by any stretch of the imagination. The third and last installment in the trilogy might be the best out of the bunch. Rich People Problems has a little bit more character development than any of the other books.
The thing about these books is they suck you in with the crazy amount of money and drama. Plots are driven forward by drama and silliness and a whole lot of crazy. This covers up for the not so great writing and complete lack of interesting or compelling characters. The main protagonists of the books are completely non-existent as people and remain in the two dimensional realm.
Eddie is the worst.
That character deserves his own sentence apart from the others. He’s kind of the epitome of awful. What I did appreciate about Rich People Problems is Grandma Su Yi. The matriarch of the family. She had been watered down to an enigma with zero personality or role. This book she received intrigue, back story, and arguably more character development than any other character in all three books combined. I appreciated that very much.
The trilogy consists of three sizable books, but they are very quick reads. I wouldn’t pick Rich People Problems up if you’re looking for something deep and intriguing. These books make for great vacation reads or mindless escapism. Fun but not worth much. I did like the movie version of Crazy Rich Asians much better than the book.
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Title: Rich People Problems
Author: Kevin Kwan
Publisher: Anchor Books
Copyright: 2017
ISBN: 9780525432371