Blog + Dog

Adoption Day

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It’s adoption day!!!!

Two years ago today, Beau came home with me. She is the best Valentine’s Day gift I could ever ask for. I honestly have no idea where the time has gone.

I saw Beau at the shelter two days before I brought her home. She had to have an exit visit with the shelter vet before I could take her home. It broke my heart leaving her in the shelter for those two nights, but I was so excited to finally have her home.

On the way home, she was sweet but so nervous. She had been through a lot in her short year and half on this Earth. I didn’t know it at the time, but she was very sick. Lots of issues. In the car on the way home, she took a big runny poop in the back seat. It was memorable. Thankfully, over the first year, she went through lots of vet visits and medicines to get all better. Now, she is the picture of health.

I named her Beauvoir after Simone de Beauvoir. She goes by Beau because it’s easier.

In the two years I’ve called her mine, we have done a bunch. We have traveled to both sides of the country. We spend a lot of our time snuggling in bed while I work. She enjoys treats, long runs, and stealing people food. She went through a lot before coming home with me. She’s still growing and opening up. The last year, she has become a crazy new dog. Beau is the light of my life, and I wouldn’t trade these past two years for anything.  

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