Books, NonFiction

Code Girls by Liza Mundy

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Length 448
Quick Review Women are incredible, and they have been forever. During WWII, women were finally able to contribute and show their worth as code breakers. They were so integral to the war effort, for the first time in the United States, they were actively recruited.
Code Girls by Liza Mundy

I have been wanting to read Code Girls by Liza Mundy for awhile, but I have been busy reading other things. This has finally come to the top of my reading list. Women have often been underrated and underutilized throughout history. During WWII, women were finally able to prove their worth as all the men went off to war.

Code Breaking was not a field of prestige. In the United States, it was hardly a field of study at all. Women were able to participate in code breaking due to the lack of barriers. When WWII broke, there was a scarcity of men. The military looked to the prestigious women’s colleges and school teachers. These women were smart, unattached, and usually had sturdy moral centers. They moved to Washington, overcame numerous obstacles, worked hard, and proved trustworthy. These women proved to the military, men, and the country they could be just as vital to the war effort as the men.

Liza Mundy explores the history, the impact, and the women in Code Girls. I really loved this book. It wasn’t a dry read. The personal stories of the women involved were beautiful. These women were vivacious, smart, funny, and complicated. They yearned for the same things we yearn for today. These women were taking part in making history. They were paving the road for women to have independence, jobs, and money of their own. The Code Girls were the first generation of women to truly have independence in their own right.

Some of my favorite parts about in Code Girls was the innate feminism that comes with women paving the way. The war turned gender roles right around. The men were the ones itching to get married, while the women were turning them down to pursue careers and independence. There was a huge variation in acceptability between the Army and Navy code breaking units. For instance, pregnancy was not tolerated in the Navy even for married women. The Army cared not at all. It’s also interesting to think about the logistical mess that was happening. Housing, feeding, transporting an army of people new to Washington was a mess. I couldn’t help but feel bad for anyone in need of housing.

Code Girls is such an empowering book. If the women during WWII could find success in an openly hostile environment, than we can continue the fight for equality. I highly recommend!!!

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Memorable Quotes
“Women were more than placeholders for the men.”
“All the girls were writing letters, often to lots of soldiers, and many received three or four or five letters a day.”
“”It’s Q for communications; you know, the Navy can’t spell.””

Title: Code Girls
Author: Liza Mundy
Publisher: Hachette Books
Copyright: 2018
ISBN: 9780316352543

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