I am obsessed with Lyon’s Corner Drug & Soda Fountain. I have been going for as long as I can remember. There are trips to Steamboat Springs, and all I remember is begging my mom to take me to the soda fountain. I discovered phosphates here.
Lyon’s is a fully functioning drug store located on Lincoln Avenue in downtown. With a pharmacy and other drug store necessities, it also sells beautiful cards, crafts, and home goods. I made use of the drug store part to get some first aid items because I actually ripped my toenail off at Strawberry Park Hot Springs. Ouch!
The Soda Fountain is towards the back on the left side of the store. The floor is black and white tile. The stools are red. There’s a jukebox. Honestly, it’s as straight out of the 1950’s as I have found yet. They have food, but most people come for the ice cream in the summer. A kid cone is only $1, so you have no excuse! I love the phosphates, which if you don’t know what they are, they’re also known as Italian sodas in coffee shops. Fizzy, flavored yumminess. I suggest blackberry.
I am not lying when I say, I went every day I was in Steamboat. The workers behind the counter actually learned my name.
Lyon’s Corner Drug & Soda Fountain
840 Lincoln Avenue
Steamboat Springs, CO 80487
Facebook – @lyondrug
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