Length 340
Quick Review A hilarious memoir through the lens of a man in love… with food. Gaffigan goes to great lengths to describe the depths of his feelings.
I have been a Jim Gaffigan fan for a while. I, however, had not committed to reading his book. Granted, I knew it couldn’t possibly take me terribly long to finish… He isn’t exactly setting himself up to be the next Chaucer.
I finished the book in a grand total of two sittings. It ended up being two because he made me hungry, so I had to go take a food break. This can’t be too shocking, but we both rather enjoy food immensely. After reading his book, I think we could be friends bonding over our love of food and our loving-hatred of our shared Midwestern roots. (We can make fun of the Midwest because we grew up there, you can’t; unless, you’re one of us.)
Gaffigan is relentlessly funny and opinionated. Through his book it is easy to tell the two great loves of his life: his food and his family – which is number one and two I am not sure, though. If you’re familiar with his comedy, you will hear his voice ringing loud and clear through the book. Not that I’m a stalker, but it feels like he is speaking to you. His humor transcends the written word.
I highly enjoyed his innovative map of the United States, or as it will come to be known as “The Jim Gaffigan Food Map.” I particularly identified with his chapter on Seabugland. Have I mentioned, we should be friends.
Nothing that I’m about to say will surprise his fans. He has an affinity for making up conversations, which are equally hilarious and probably better than the truth. From now on, I will be citing these conversations as answers to my friends’ questions as often as possible. I found his use of repetition a bit well… repetitive, but that is his style, and he writes the way he speaks. Though it works in stand up, it is a bit much for a book.
All in all, if you are a lover of food or comedy or both or you have a pulse, you should read his book.
Memorable Quotes
“Anyway, I’m overweight.”
“I for one can think of a thousand thing that taste better than thin.”
“I was from Indiana, which tho many is considered the trailer park of the Midwest”
“I like to think coffee comes from beans; therefore, it’s a vegetable.”
“My heart with all its clogged arteries belongs to bratwurst.”
“There is something profoundly sad about eating cake while you are alone.”
Title: Food; A Love Story
Author: Jim Gaffigan
Publisher: Three Rivers Press (Crown Publishing Group)
Copyright: 2014
ISBN: 9780804140430