Length 273
Quick Review Easy, breezy, beautiful, might as well be Covergirl. It’s a hilarious step by step introduction into the wonders and horrors of standing on your own two feet.
Kelly Williams Brown is not afraid to be funny, young, energetic, readable, or covers literally any topic in Adulting: How to Become a Grown Up In 468 Easy(ish) Steps. It’s a great read if you want to laugh and have a learn a few things. I like to think of myself as a fairly self-sufficient adult with quite a bit of experience under my belt, but I still learned a few things. It’s like having a discussion with a friend. She shares her adulting tips in a non-pushy, non-judgemental, hey this worked for me kind of way.
One of the more poignant moments that reverberated deeply in my soul is the commentary on how nothing whacks you into the reality of adulthood quite like the comprehension of having to repeatedly buying toilet paper. Many years ago, when I realized I was truly an adult was the moment I was sitting on the toilet with no toilet paper because for some reason it no longer magically appeared. Since then, I tell every newly branded adult to buy two packs of toilet paper in order to delay this instance. This touching moment occurs within the first twenty pages of the book. It was the moment I knew Kelly and I could be best friends, and I committed to finishing the book.
She’s full of the kind of advice your mom won’t necessarily hand out like: don’t hook-up with people in your office or HPV is a thing or friends with benefits isn’t always bad or sometimes you have to kiss ass. Then again she’s full of advice your mom (or someone) did tell you but you didn’t listen to because they’re old like: clean your cuts don’t suck them or know how much money you have coming in or RSVP it’s polite or send thank you notes.
In my opinion, she’s a successful adult. She has a job, a place to live, a cat, a bestselling novel, and another on the way all by the age of 27. I wish I were that good at adulting, but a girl can dream.
Memorable Quotes
“Oh love. It’s great, except when it’s awful.”
“Nothing is beneath you, right now, except doling out handjobs by the water-cooler. That is beneath you.”
Title: Adulting; How to Become a Grown-Up in 468 Easy(ish) Steps
Author: Kelly Williams Brown
Publisher: Grand Central Publishing
Copyright: 2013
ISBN: 9781455516902
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